Hello From Ebey's Prairie!
We've had another crazy week. I've suddenly realized June is almost gone. What happened to June? Things that should have happened at the beginning of June, well now I'm just promising myself they'll get done before July! Somehow, this all seems so easy when pouring over seed catalogs next to a snuggly fire in January!
Ah well...., it keeps us farmers out of trouble that's for sure!
On to the good stuff - Coming to the Coupeville and Bayview markets tomorrow for your dining pleasure:
From Willowood Farm
- Loads of beautiful head lettuce from a gorgeous new crop. Absolutely perfect.
- Fava beans
- Baby beets with greens
- Mustard greens - two kinds (this photo is of one of my favorites, Red Giant - horseradishey hot!!)
- Garlic scapes
- Fresh green garlic
- Walla Walla Salad Onions
- Torpedo Onions
- Pea Vines - a beautiful, tender new crop
- Rainbow Chard
- Kohlrabi
- Tuscan and White Russian Kale
- And more....
From Prairie Bottom Farm
- Carrots
- Rutabagas
- Peas!
- Beets
- Scallions
- Pearl Onions
- New Potatoes
- And more....
Also (and this is to see if you guys are reading this far...), many folks have expressed interested in being involved in harvest and other activities on the farm. Well, we will be holding a garlic harvest on Tuesday (weather permitting). Approximately 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Work basically involves some labor in fields with gathering bunches of garlic to bring inside. And then lots of sitting around cleaning and bunching garlic. Loads of fun, actually...We will have sign up sheets at the market if you are interested in coming.
Thank you for ALL YOUR SUPPORT of local farms!
Georgie Smith, Farmer
Willowood Farm of Ebey's Prairie
Last year's harvest was a blast,and I learned to appreciate every bulb of garlic that I buy now knowing the amount of work it takes to get it from seed to plate. ...actually I grow my own now in Seattle from Georgie's seed. She has the widest local variety around that I have seen of all the farmers markets (Seattle included).