Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm Thankful for - Great Food!

I'm writing this with the enticing aroma of Blue Slate Roasted Turkey emanating through the house, splattered in Winter Luxury Pumpkin Pie filling, Maris Piper and Kilarney Red garlic boiling on the stove top and a bowl of Jerusalem Artichokes, brussel sprouts and pea shoots waiting to be roasted in the oven....
Boy oh boy, I'm getting HUNGRY!
I hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing and fulfilling Thanksgiving with their family. I know I am (although I wouldn't consider making pumpkin pie with a 3 and 5 year old "relaxing" but it was, fulfilling...). I would like to say I'm so Thankful to all of you, for supporting local farmers and sustainable food. And I'm thankful to my family for supporting me in this mad, mad endeavour! My father for fixing, building and always coming up with a better way. My mother for watching the girls so I can finish one more chore for the "just a few minutes" that always ends up being an hour. My husband for feeding me when I'm exhausted, taking care of the girls, and always making sure I remain grounded in what is true and important. My incredible interns (of years past and present) who always work above and beyond the call. And my two lovely little girls who are never stingy with hugs and kisses and remind me to live life to the fullest. For all my animal menagerie, even those we are eating today, that entertain me with their antics and provide me with more healthy, yummy food. For the the geologic forces that millions of years ago created the beautiful black, pond-bottom soil that I'm now blessed to grow vegetables in.
And I'm very, very, very thankful for this beautiful view that I'm blessed with every day.
Thankful for whatever forces of heaven and earth created it in the first place. Thankful that my great-grandfather 100+ years ago decided to make his roots here. Thankful that the forming of the Ebey's Landing National Historic Reserve 31 years ago now means that this view will live into perpetuity. Thankful to be here and for here to be.
Best to all of you and your families!
Eat well!
Farmer Georgie
Willowood Farm of Ebey's Prairie

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