Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lots and lots and lots of food!

Well, the suns out and I'm running late this morning!  So I'm going to get right to it...
We've got LOADS of food coming this morning to the Bayview and Coupeville farmer's markets.  INCLUDING ROCKWELL SHELL BEANS!  Here is the complete list:
From Willowood Farm:
* Potatoes!  We are bringing 9 varieties of potato to the market this morning.  A tater for every desire!
* Garlic - loads of both food grade and seed grade garlic for planting!
* Head lettuce - big and crispy
* Mesclun (Bayview only)
* Arugula
* Red Kuri Squash - first picking!
* Rockwell Shell Beans - the first picking!
* Summer squash galore
* Onions, onions and more onions
* Leeks
* Shallots
* Chard
* Peppers
* Tomatoes
* Basil
* Yellow Wax Beans
* Dragon Langerie Beans
* Shelling Peas
Coming from our friends at Prairie Bottom Farm:
* Cabbage
* Kale
* Herbs
* Purple Beans
* Dill
And more!  Hope to see you today at market!
Farmer Georgie
Willowood Farm

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